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At King’s Landing we recognize the environmental and spiritual benefits of paddling the beautiful Rock Springs Run. We strive to provide our guests with access to paddle sport opportunities while leaving no trace, preserving the river and nature surrounding.

King’s Landing is an independent, privately owned property and reserves the right to enforce the rules and regulations stated below. Failure to do so, at the discretion of King’s Landing personnel, will result in dismissal without refund. Those who re-enter the property after dismissal or who refuse to leave when asked, will be considered trespassers and law enforcement will be called.

  • No alcoholic beverages or illegal narcotics allowed. Coolers, bags and dry compartments will be inspected before launching.

  • Children under the age of 2 are not permitted to camp or launch from our property

  • No glass or Styrofoam allowed. We recommend bringing non-disposable containers.

  • No Speakers, no exceptions. 

  • No Hammock or Slacklines

  • No Lawn Chairs

  • Leave no trace. Take all trash and any other trash you may find along the way back with you and dispose of properly. Please help keep Rock Springs Run clean and beautiful for others to enjoy.

  • Please respect the environment, the wildlife, other paddlers, and the King’s Landing staff during your visit.

  • No lifeguards on duty, swim at your own risk.

  • No harassing, touching, or having any physical contact with any wildlife.

  • No foul or abusive language, fighting or any other behavior that may be offensive or a nuisance to other paddlers.

  • No entering on or stopping in front of any private property, docks, and yards.

  • No motorized vessels of any type allowed.

  • No vessels are permitted to launch after 3:00 PM and must return no later than 5:00 PM. 

    • Any vessels that return to the dock later than 5:00 PM, a late fee will be assessed.

  • No dogs or any pets allowed.

  • No grills allowed

  • No Rafts or Tubes are allowed. No Exceptions

  • One PFD per person is required. (PFDs are provided for all rentals)

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